Sunday, May 31, 2015

Themed Tangles

So I gave my students a list of positive and negative themes as well as a list of tangle patterns that they were either familiar with or could easily learn. They had to choose 4 patterns to use for the entire project. Then they had to choose 2 negative and 2 positive themes. They could only use the 4 patterns they chose to represent the different themes. We did this while learning themes in reading. Lots of fun!

Have to have shading :)
Create by student

Let It Go Tangles

Today in class we did "Let It Go" tangles. Why? Because who doesn't loooove Elsa??

So each student received a tile and and that person chose the type of string that would be on the tile. For those new to zentangle, a string is a pencil line that breaks up the tile and gives them a starting point. My only requirement was that this one made 4 sections. Then they had a limited amount of time to tangle just one section of the tile. Then they had to sing "Let it go" as they handed over their hard work to the next person in their group so that they could do section #2. We continued this until all four sections were completed. Then the group took their completed tiles (4 now since each person started one) and then they composed them into one large tile. One of my groups had 5 and it worked out just fine :) This was a fun and collaborative way to practice and experience zentangle patterns!
Instructions I had on the board lol

Great ideas from my facebook group users!

Updated as they are added so keep checking back!!

Tangled Booklet

This year I made my kids a tangled booklet to keep their tiles as they completed them. They could also staple the bottom and place extra tiles inside the folded sheets of paper!

I printed a total of 12 copies for the kiddos. One became the cover. The other 12 I folded in half and inserted them into the cover folded side out. Then staple! The kids then had the option of putting their favorites on the tile squares and if they stapled or taped the bottom, they could store other tiles as well! The kids love them :)

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